The mod you are trying to view has ceased development and consequently been archived. If you are a member of this mod, can demonstrate that it is being actively developed and will be able to keep this profile up to date with the latest news, images, videos and downloads, please contact us with all details and we will consider its re-activation.

The Battle For Europe Mod Team is recruiting! Visit our forum here!

This will be a World War 2 mod that will revolutionize the RTS genre. Many unique features will be presented in this mod.

World War 2: The Battle For Europe is not down! We have survived endless beatings of quitting members and forum shutdowns! We have thrived! We now are modding a whole new engine. We have left the Warcraft 3 engine behind, and now we are working off of the Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War engine. This will allow us to do many more features, along with cutting down base management to the lowest seen in any base-building RTS to date. We are focusing entirely on tactics and strategy now. Here is our current base-building idea.

This is what we have in mind for base building. Everyone would start out with the basic building, the Tactical Command Center. This building has the ability to build other buildings in a radius around it. When it does, it will play an animation of an engineer building the structure. But the engineer is not a usable unit, its just an animation. Once the building is complete, the engineer will disapear. In order to repair buildings you will have to have a combat engineer (explained in paragraph below).

The only buildings that you will be able to build outside the radius are the defensive buildings, i.e. bunkers and minefields. To build these, you will have to make a combat engineer. Combat engineers will come in squads, and have nearly as much firepower as an un-upgraded Infantry squad. They will build just as the units build in DOW. In order to build units, you will have to have buildings to support them. Such as a barracks for infantry, which includes combat engineers. The more buildings you have to support either infantry or tanks, the more infantry or tanks you can have. A fully developed base should basically have a TCC (Tactical Command Center), a Communications Tower (for calling in air support or paratroopers), and aid station or two (heals units around it), and then a bunch of Barracks' and Tank Garages. Just like what a real military base would look like, nothing elaborate.

In order to build stronger units, you need to control more strategic locations, which work in the same way they do in DOW. This is explained by the fact that your army's high command is not going to reinforce you with tanks and paratroopers if you are only fighting a small scale battle, like a firefight across the street. If you control more territory, your generals will be more inclined to send stronger, and more, reinforcements. This eliminates the need for many buildings, because buildings are no longer needed to advance in the tech tree.

In building units, you will not train them right there at your base. You will "request" them from "Reinforcement Areas", which will be a road or open area near the edge of the map. After the unit is requested, there will be a short ammount of time, which will be not much different from unit to unit, no matter the strength, before the unit will appear at a designated Reinforcement Area. Reinforcement Areas are not destroyable, but are capturable after a long period of time (about 1-2 minutes). This will allow you to request reinforcements closer and closer to your front lines as you move up, which makes for even less base-management. Paratroopers, which are only for America, will be requested at the Communications Tower, along with airstrikes and recon flights, and can send them anywhere on the map that you have sight of (You can send a scout and he can place an invisible, as in no model, beacon which will give you sight of a very small area for a certain amount of time. This will allow you to call in paratroopers/airstrikes in enemy territory without actually having a unit there). Recon flights can be called in anywhere, whether you have sight or not.

For weapon upgrades, your squad or vehicle will have to go near an Armory, which will also be built by the combat engineer, so it can move with your front lines so you dont have to send your units back to your main base to get new weapons. All around upgrades will be requested at the main building.

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RSS Articles

Major Update for TBFE

News 1 comment

World War 2: The Battle For Europe is not down! We have survived endless beatings of quitting members and forum shutdowns! We have thrived! We now are modding a whole new engine. We have left the Warcraft 3 engine behind, and now we are working off of the Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War engine. This will allow us to do many more features, along with cutting down base management to the lowest seen in any base-building RTS to date. We are focusing entirely on tactics and strategy now. Here is our current base-building idea here:

How did everyone like those ideas? Now for some eye candy :D Pictures are to big to fit in a news post, so here is a link to our gallery. All pictures except for the light house are new.

The Battle For Europe - A new perspective


The Battle For Europe, which used to be a Warcraft 3 Total Conversion, is now moving on to a more advanced engine. We are moving to the Dawn of War engine...

Some changes and new forums


The World War 2: The Battle For Europe team may be switching engines. We would like input from the moddb community to see if we should switch, stay where...

More features and models!

News 1 comment

Some news from World War 2: The Battle For Europe: Here we have a few new gameplay features to share with you, as well as some models of the American...

New features and Models!

News 4 comments

Some new features for : Defendable checkpoints. These checkpoints will be extremely hard to take if your oppenent has fortified them. You will either...

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CadianConscript - - 3,116 comments


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nosfearatu - - 7 comments

the maker of dawn of war is also working on a world war 2 rts, company of heroes

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Sapper4-1 - - 214 comments


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Lockie - - 5 comments

The World War 2: The Battle For Europe Dawn of War mod is unofficially cancelled.

No work has been done on it in atleast a year and the staff are all but unaccounted for.

Sorry for those that were looking forward to this mod as I was in making it but sometimes these things don't work out.

Lockie - WW2:TBFE Mapper.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Freerider - - 5 comments

This mod looks cool - I would love to help but have NO modding expertise.
PLEASE keep going - the Dawn Of War community is counting on you :-D

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Commisar_Mike - - 1 comments

If anyone has a copy of this mod please contact me because I'd be really interested on how this turns out

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DemolitionSquid - - 24 comments

Probably, its a shame, i was relaly looking forward to this mod.

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Lockie - - 5 comments

Due to some team issues, the World War 2: The Battle For Europe mod is on hold for now until things are sorted out.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

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Sapper4-1 - - 214 comments

yo dudes keep up the goodwork i cant wait for this to be done!!

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Ben - - 77 comments

Looking forward to it.

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