The Tyranid Mod is an ongoing additional race modification for the original Dawn of War series, based on the Tyranid army from the Warhammer 40k tabletop game.

Tyranids are an intergalactic predator race which moves in hivefleets from world to world, devouring all living things and natural resources they can; leaving behind nothing but a barren rock, devoid even of atmosphere. Seemingly without individuals, Tyranids have a single hivemind that spans billions of their genetically-engineered combat organisms. Faceless and implacable, the Tyranid race is unrelenting and unstoppable. And their origins remain a complete mystery.

Although now already featured in Dawn of War 2, the Tyranid Mod Team is still hard at work trying to bring the Tyranids to Soulstorm (and if we can, Dark Crusade as well).

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RSS Articles

Hey all,

It has been a LONG TIME since we last released or updated and I am super sorry for that.

Right now where I am it's the afternoon of Christmas Eve. And in my family, it's a tradition that everyone gets to open one Christmas present at midnight on Christmas Eve, and then the rest get opened the next morning.

Well, it's not going to be exactly midnight... but in about an hour and a half of me writing this (so probably a lot sooner than that for you reading it) 0.5b3 will be releasing.

Let me repeat that:

0.5b3 releases today!

I am really sorry about everyone having to wait for years and years on this. I have been very sick for most of that time and trying to keep life rolling while needing regular medical care has been pretty difficult.

A major amount of thanks have to go to Miros, our coder extraordinaire, who kept the project rolling forward while I've been out of commission. He and Gambit and Thudmeizer have kept the testing and rebalancing and updating going.

For me, this is a really amazing end to a pretty terrible year, thanks guys.

Instructions will be included when the file is released - including stuff for anyone wanting to do collaborative mod work.

So to everyone who has worked with us, or has wanted to work with us, or has just been waiting on us releasing this... thank you for all your patience and understanding, I wish you a wonderful December festival season and a happy new year.

>>>Remember to expand the installer description for the instructions, they're important as we've done some things you may not expect. ;)

Language Update:

For all our Russian players, a fan of ours - Darkset-SPB - has kindly volunteered their time to create a translation for you!

Download the following link to your "Tyranids\Locale\Russian" folder, and it should update from English to Russian:

NB: If you previously downloaded the Google Drive copy, this version is more up to date.

0.5b3: Nearly Here

0.5b3: Nearly Here

News 54 comments

It's been a long wait, we know... but guess what?

0.5b3: Even More Developing

0.5b3: Even More Developing

News 26 comments

In which we recount the updated state of the mod and what's going on

0.5b3: More Developing

0.5b3: More Developing

News 26 comments

The current development list for 0.5b3 and where we're up to.

More Tyraniduary...

More Tyraniduary...

News 12 comments

Keeping the Tyranid love rolling, here are some fun ways to expand your Tyranid play in Dawn of War

RSS Files
Tyranid Mod v0.5b3

Tyranid Mod v0.5b3

Full Version 129 comments

Long awaited and finally arrived. Zero point five beta three, baby!

Tyranid Mod v0.5b2 for Soulstorm

Tyranid Mod v0.5b2 for Soulstorm

Full Version 322 comments

Please be sure to update your Objective Points mod (see below) -- 0.5 beta 2: The second 0.5 series beta release for Soulstorm. If you have 0.5b1 installed...

Tyranid Mod v0.5b1 for Soulstorm

Tyranid Mod v0.5b1 for Soulstorm

Full Version 19 comments

0.5 beta 1: The first 0.5 series beta release for Soulstorm EDIT: Note that this has a bugfix you will need to perform to get the most out of 0.5b1

Tyranid Mod v0.45-SS

Tyranid Mod v0.45-SS

Full Version 45 comments

Latest Tyranid Mod release for Soulstorm - updated from the 0.45 Dark Crusade release. Includes new Soulstorm AI and flyer interaction update (no, that...

Tyranid Mod v0.45-DC Multiplay Fix

Tyranid Mod v0.45-DC Multiplay Fix

Patch 7 comments

This is a patch that fixes two bugs with the 0.45-DC release - the "Incompatible Game Active" multiplay bug, which prevents people from being able to...

Tyranid Mod v0.45-DC

Tyranid Mod v0.45-DC

Full Version 24 comments

Latest Tyranid Mod release for Dark Crusade. Includes graphical and gameplay updates - and no longer contains any non-Tyranid models.

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Guest - - 726,491 comments

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ralph777 - - 653 comments

Considering how advance we are now. We can now refine the models in some blenders or other 3D apps and it's animation

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Guest - - 726,491 comments

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Guest - - 726,491 comments

I have a question:
Can i play multiplayer with this mod?
I want to play with friends, with the tyranids.
We can play multiplayer?
They all need to get the mod to play?
I need answersplease xD
Im new on the mod world.
I just want to play dawn of war with friends and
Use the tyranids xD

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Defreot - - 48 comments

Yes all mods are compatible with mp. ANd yes they need the mod to play with the mod. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

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Guest - - 726,491 comments

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Guest - - 726,491 comments

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NecroMatt - - 151 comments

Any future models for tyranids?

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ResidentTactics - - 12 comments

Recently re-installed Soulstorm after many years and went straight to download Tyranid Mod and imagine my suprise when I noticed that there was a new version of the mod, which plays well and feels very feature complete.

Only issue that I have is that the Tyranid sound effects (screech etc.) are a lot louder than base game ones and desibels go through the roof when there's a lot of them late-game. Is there any kind of fix or tweak for this?

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MISTERMODDER - - 4 comments

Been playing the Tyranid Mod that is for Dark Crusade, and while I think it's very good. I also notice that it seems to be missing some building animations. Some of the building animate when they spawn and when they are destroyed all of them animate just when they are sitting there. The main building should also animate when they are upgrading/spawning units as well. Right now, while I haven't listed which of their buildings you may notice this for yourself. I'd just like to know if they would if anybody is continuing to work on this mods.

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